Stasera a San Quirico d’Orcia

We had a delightful dinner and evening in San Quirico d’ Orcia. So happy I invited Sarah (a.k.a. Francesca/Franki). I have a new friend, but she’s leaving Sunday. Dixie from Dallas, the friend I made in class here four years ago, invited me to her apartment in Rovereto next weekend. I just have to figure out how to get there. The fabulous restaurant is Il Vecchio Forno: my best meal in Italy! Commentary to follow. Or not. 

I came upon some wonderful shrines here

This guy reminds me of the Hunchback of Notre Dame

Another nuovo vestito per solo 22 Euro!

Franki, Sandra, me at Il Vecchio Forno

Kurt with me at Il Vecchio Forno


Franki a San Quirico

I love the medieval gargoyles and other figures

Pittura nel Museo Civico

Notice the two mermaids

About ssteven2

I'm a reader, writer, swimmer, and school librarian. I love my summers so I can travel.
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7 Responses to Stasera a San Quirico d’Orcia

  1. Is that a Duomo necklace?

  2. sandra062013 says:

    Good eye, Elizabeth! Sara, wonderful photos as always. Great documentation of a lovely evening with our new friend, Sarah with an ‘h’.

  3. Jana Kennon says:

    Love the mermaids–I would not have noticed them if you hadn’t mentioned them! And, I also enjoy seeing gargoyles–one of my favorite things about Verona is la chiesa St. Anastasia circo di Piazza Erbe, dove due sinistri (hunchbacks) salutano i visitors. Se si strofinano (I had to look that up–rub}) le spalle, portano buona fortuna……….your photo of the hunchback in stone looks just like the ones in Verona.

    What a lovely evening you all had! The pasta dish looks great–is the sauce with pistachios?

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