Il Palio First Trial!

Jack loves Siena and wanted to go. We found out that the first trial for the first Palio race was today. We thought we’d just see the horses run around. Little did we know what a HUGE deal it was. It looked just like the real Palio, which will take place July 2. We arrived at the end of the lottery, where they draw the horses for each contrada. We had lots of time to enjoy Siena because the first trial was to start at 7:45. At the last minute, we were at a cafe, and they were putting up all the tables to clear the race track, and I asked if we could sit in the stands. The waiter said we had to buy tickets! so thirty minutes before the trial, I went over to a man he pointed to and bought three seats way up. We had no idea that these seats were right in front of the start and finish line! We had the best seats for the whole trial! This post includes photos from the snail contrada, which didn’t have a horse this time but put on a real show in the streets. I will tell you more about the photos tomorrow. We’re exhausted! The pennant at the end is the palio, the prize for the winner. It’s designed and donated by a different artist each year.

















About ssteven2

I'm a reader, writer, swimmer, and school librarian. I love my summers so I can travel.
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4 Responses to Il Palio First Trial!

  1. sandra062013 says:

    How exciting, those beautiful horses! And the pennant, it’s amazing! Hope you enjoy your last week in Italy.

  2. ssteven2 says:

    Thanks, Sandra. Today my camera is messing up, but I will post about our day today in a moment. It’s our final week, and I never want to leave our apartment here! I never get tired of the beautiful view and the cool breeze. Do you know the artist Chirico? He has an exhibit at the Fortezza. Do you think I should go see it? Thanks.

  3. Jana Kennon says:

    What a wonderful colorful and amazing spectacle! Such a crowd too! Fascinating that the riders ride bareback. How fun to be part of the local festivities!

    • ssteven2 says:

      Jana, I’m glad you noticed that. Jack couldn’t get over them riding bareback, and one of the turns is really sharp, so they put up a bunch of padding. Still, it’s a dangerous race.

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